Grand Master Mad Hatter 07837 345082 gm@wch3.co.uk
Hare Razor OTT 07713 540095 harerazor@wch3.co.uk

Site Updated: 20 May 2024

Past Runs : Visitor Info : Contact


Run Stats: 2010  2011  2012  2013  2014  2015  2016  2017  2018  2019


NEWS: Nowadays we meet about once a month for a walk, either from a pub or from the hare's house.


All walks Sunday 11am PROMPT start unless noted:          

26th May Chunder & Bumslide Hash Walk - Wirral Country Park, Lees Lane, Neston CH64 7TH  From Wales or Chester, take A540 N towards Heswall.  600m after dual-carriageway ends turn L into Lees Lane.  Car park is 300m on L.  From Heswall etc, take A540 S past the Hinderton Arms (near Neston) then turn next R into Lees Lane.  Map


Upcoming Events:



Wirral Footpath Society

Friends and neighbours:

Mersey Thirstdays H3 - Every Other Thursday at 7pm
Cheshire H3
Lune Valley H3
Cheltenham & Cotswold H3
Black Pudding H3
Manchester H3
Phuket HHH

Contact us:

GM:                 gm@wch3.co.uk
Hare-Razor:     harerazor@wch3.co.uk   
Webmaster:     webmaster@wch3.co.uk